Bitcoin Blockchain & Exchange

Salesforce launches its CRM blockchain platform

Cloud-powered software developer Salesforce  has launched the platform to allow companies to create blockchain networks, workflows and apps, in a way that’s easier and faster than conventional  methods.

The Salesforce Blockchain platform is said to be low-code system built on the open source technology developed by Hyperledger Sawtooth and is customised to fit with the company’s flagship Salesforce Lightning CRM product.

Beyond building networks, users can layer blockchain data above existing sales, service, or marketing workflows, and run artificial intelligence-powered algorithms to integrate this data into sales forecasts and other predictions.

Salesforce says that blockchain’s distributed ledger technology can help with authenticating and sharing data across multiple third parties, where traditionally this process has been clunky and slow. Principally, the company says it streamlines how transactions and documents are created and exchanged.

“Blockchain allows us to upend antiquated processes like these and rebuild them entirely with customers at the centre,” said Salesforce’s senior vice president for emerging technologies Adam Caplan.

“Data can securely flow beyond an organization’s four walls and be extended to partners. Every party in the blockchain network can verify and see each transaction in an open, transparent way.

The information is secure, trusted, and – if the need arises – can be audited.”

Organisations across several industries can use the technology for conventional business processes like asset tracking, credentialing, and authentication of goods. Salesforce says that combining CRM with blockchain data can see firms devise new business processes and models across sales, marketing, and services.

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